Resolution and Decision 1


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  3. All these cases are fraudulent moreover they have been changed to a different court venue in San fernando because they did not produce any evidence to prove any of there claims. Furthuremore It is a requirement of due process that the parties to a litigation be informed of how it was decided that the prosecutor decided this case should go to court. Anyone being sued must give an explanation of factual and legal reasons that led to the conclusions of the court or the prosecutor decision. Neither the court or the prosecutor cannot simply say that judgment is rendered in favor of X and against Y and just leave it at that without any justification whatsoever for its action. The losing party is entitled to know why he lost, so he may appeal to a higher court, if permitted, should he believe that the decision should be reversed. A decision that does not clearly and distinctly state the facts and the law on which it is based leaves the parties in the dark as to how it was reached and is especially prejudicial to the losing party, who is unable to pinpoint the possible errors of the court for review by a higher tribunal. (NICOS INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION, JUAN COQUINCO and CARLOS COQUINCO vs. THE COURT OF APPEALS, at al., G.R. No. 88709, February 11, 1992.) and Moreover because of what Ivan the idiot has been posting and sending to ex shareholders of the company. Moreover I am not the owner OF "E DIAMOND TRADE" nor does E Diamond trade have anything to do with Wazzupp coffee Wazzupp international Or Ivan Carlos M. De Araujo .. This man and his cronies will all be in jail soon.

  4. Contraire to the resolution made by the office of the fiscal, it is an absolute fact that all the voluminous records being written about were presented by Ronald Flynn. Clear and factual proof was presented to prove that all the investment funds were accounted for and were in fact applied to the corporations via company financials and bank statements.

    So the claim of misappropriation on this resolution is not valid as the company financials prove that the said funds were not used for the benefit of personal use nor was there any proof to state otherwise other then words on a document that stated Flynn lives a luxurious lifestyle and drives a Ferrari.

    In the resolution stated on this document it states that nothing came out of the shareholders investments. Moreover that the respondent casually made the excuse that the landfill site was looted and that no evidence was submitted other then pictures. This claim by the physical is 100% incorrect as a plethora of factual evidence was presented via a 1hour and 30 minute video that was also posted on you tube and proved that the site was completely looted and vandalized. Moreover and as additional proof police reports were submitted with a book full of factual pictures to prove what happened. So clearly the depiction of what happened could not be contrived.

    The motion also states that the interests sold for the investment were not registered with the securities exchange commission of the Philippines. That is 100% correct because the investment was made outside the Philippines for shares in a public company that did in fact go public on the German stock exchange.

    The only thing that makes any sense about what is written in the motion by the fiscal’s office is, that Lucas and his team openly admit in conversation that they paid 500,000 pesos to insure that the fiscal would make sure Mr. Flynn Be convicted. Notwithstanding if you agree to send Lucas money he will sign a contract of a written guarantee that the DOJ has guarantied his group 4 solid convictions and that you will get all your investment money back and half of your legal fees.


  6. see actual facts on this blog...


  8. More importantly as I am 100% sure the court is not aware of what Lucas is posting and sending out. The fact is Ivan is a known con artist and criminal who has been fraudulently guaranteeing in writing to SBSC, TGEG and TBE ex shareholders through faxes, telephone calls and emails that he guarantees them there money back.

    We have forwarded everything to our lawyers as it clearly shows a blatant disregard for the law and is 100% fraud at the highest level.

    The fact is any bozo reading his agreement guarantee can see Lucas is a total fraud as not one case has yet gone to court. Moreover his guarantee letter is the biggest farce of all as it states that the DOJ has granted him 4 solid convictions.

    However just on the off chance someone would get fooled, I am sending this blog out to protect my good shareholders, friends and family members from these grifters and charlatans.

    Wow not a bad con by Lucas! You send Lucas your hard earned cash and then he signs a magical contract that guarantees you get your money back and half your fee's as granted by the DOJ.

    Remember, they do all this without ever going to court because his minions simply explain in a scripted pitch they paid the right people and the prosecutor so they would win.

    By the way if you listen to his minions talk over the phone without interrupting there speech you will hear each page turn as his minions read the sales script.

    Additionally I am not the owner OF "E DIAMOND TRADE" nor does E Diamond trade have anything to do with Wazzupp coffee Wazzupp international Or Ivan Carlos M. De Araujo ..

    These men and there cronies will hopefully all be in jail very soon. Please also see a complaint by the Bureau of Immigration of undesirability for LUCAS AKA IVAN CARLOS M. DE ARAUJO” & WAZZUPP INTERNATIONAL because of his illegal activities which has now been proven thru factual evidence and paperwork we furnished and gave to the authorities.
